Corey Jefferson

Corey Jefferson

Showing all 4 artworks

Corey Jefferson

Primitive Erotic, 2023
65 x 12 x 12 ″ Stoneware, terrasigilatta, stain and found objects $2,000.00

Corey Jefferson

Primitive Erotic, Stash, 2023
22 x 28 x 6 ″ Stoneware, terrasigilatta, stain and found objects $1,000.00

Corey Jefferson

Primitive Erotic, French Tickler, 2023
28 x 6 x 16 ″ Stoneware, terrasigilatta, stain and found objects $1,000.00

Corey Jefferson

Excerpt for the Primitive Erotic Series
26 x 20 x 6 ″ Stoneware, terrasigilatta, stain and found objects $1,000.00